K-ON 9: More Pointless Than Not

 I should say that the first part (most of the episode) consisted of two things, dressing up, and sweet food. Only the very end had some substance. Of course, this anime is not one that really is meant for a substance filled plot, so in that sense, this is technically a perfect episode of K-ON, as it captures “moe” all over the place:

Dressing up:

Azusa Nakano: New Girl on the Block

They waste no time with the new girl do they? Eating food:What is this, a fucking tea party? Play some damn music!Eating:What is this, a fucking tea party? Play some damn music!

There were more instances of food, but for some reason my Firefox keeps crashing whenever I try and add a picture, and adding pictures in Internet Explorer is fucking annoying.

However, I did allow my self several chuckles at several things:

I had to add my own subs. But that's what Yui said.
I had to add my own subs. But that’s what Yui said.

She looks like she's high.

Wow WordPress is really failing me, as this was the most annoying post to make ever in the history of me making posts. When you click “save draft”, you would think that it would save the draft, wouldn’t you. WordPress, you suck. I’m even going to bother putting the best scene of the show (where Ritsu gets hit, and then in the next camera frame, is shown holding a picture of herself getting hit (the previous camera frame)).

This episode sucked. It would be great to see something new. The music is the best part. Every fucking episode is the same shit.

  1. They eat cake.
  2. They dress someone up, which embarrasses them.

To me, it looks like the next half of this series is just going to repeat the first half, except that now Azusa is in the band. I mean, in the next episode, they’re going on another band practice thing, which they’ve already done.

11 thoughts on “K-ON 9: More Pointless Than Not

  1. AWESOME. Half of the screenshots that I added mysteriously disappeared after I published this post. Fuck wordpress and fuck internet explorer, the worst combination ever.

    This could be the last post I ever write with screenshots.

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