Follow My Quest To Not Jerk Off

Some of you might be aware of this, but I’m attempting a feat that so few have been able to do. I am trying to not jerk off, or ejaculate in any way, shape or form, until July 1st. And you can follow my day to day journal entries on how I’m doing on my blog, Frankly Stupid (Eye Sedso is an ISSS, but Frankly Stupid is a blog). First, an explanation:

Why? Why would I decide to randomly do something so horrible to myself. I explained this already on FS, but fuck,  I can copy and paste with the best of em:

Okay, so the other day, I decided that jerking off was just not doing it for me anymore. I found myself doing it just to do it, but it really wasn’t giving me any pleasure. You may ask youself, “WTF? IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU?”
Yes. There is I blast loads like they don’t mean nothing. Even if I’m tired, and don’t feel like milking my cock, I still do it out of obligation. I mean, both my computer and my snuffleuffuguss are right there in front of me, and no ones around. I feel like I have to take advantage. This of course leaves me always running on an empty tank, and everyone knows that things work better when they’re full of gas.

Therefore, I’ve decided that until such a time as decided by me, I will not be slapping my salami any time soon. Now, a friend of mine did this for lent, which is amazing, and he kept a journal. I figure, I’ll do the same. Will my persona change? I doubt it actually will, as long as I occupy myself with other shit. It’s usually the first 3 days which are hardest anyway (pun is actually not intended, but unavoidable and fucking awesome anyway).

So there you have it. Now, I just started this on a whim, and didn’t really have any plan. Then, on the 6th day, I remembered My Balls. Not my actual testicles, I’m of course talking about the manga, My Balls.

I’m pretty much doing the exact same thing as Kohta. In My Balls, he somehow gets a devil named Lady Emanniel trapped in his balls. Now, he can’t ejaculate at all for the whole month of July, or mankind will be demolished. Now, I may be doing my non-jerking or sexing a month sooner than Kohta, but I’ve decided to do the same thing. I’m not aloud to push the semen ejection button until the end of the month (I pretty much started this right at the beginning of the month, so it works out almost perfectly).

So okay, I don’t have hot demons trying to jack me off whenever I turn the corner, and I don’t have a hot babe who want my cock every time she gets slightly drunk (which is apparently every fucking day of the month), and in fact, I don’t have any girls around me who actually want to have sex with me, but still. It’s tough (actually it’s surprisingly easy so far).

And so, I am creating a day to day journal, chronicling all of the things (temptations, interactions, etc) that have to do with my quest of non-jerking on Frankly Stupid. Be there, or don’t be.

For the record, it’s probably good that I’m not Kohta…also, when is the next chapter coming out? I mean, seriously.

55 thoughts on “Follow My Quest To Not Jerk Off

  1. My Balls has been removed from Manga Fox since they’re fags, you can still read it on Manga Toshokan as an alternative. The series finally ends at 41 chapters which had made me quite sad 😦

    And as for your challenge, have fun. Tried this very same challenge last year replicating the events in My Balls for the lolz in July, only to cave in on the 23rd…

    • The last chapter I’ve read was 39. I couldn’t find 40+ anywhere. Well, time to finish this shit…


      Speey cum-zalas? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  2. You should quit jerking off before you become like me. I’ve jerked off to so much porn that women in real life have no effect on me whatsoever. Whenever I see women in real life, I see personalities instead of sex objects. It makes women a lot less tolerable.

      • I wish I were joking too. Sadly, my sex drive has crashed to the point that I have no desire to so much as touch a chick I don’t legitimately like. It’s especially tough because I hate pretty much everyone I meet.

    • I’m kind of the same way. I’ve been so desensitized to sex from porn that now personality is usually more important than actual appearance. All holes are pretty much the same (besides a man hole).

  3. You guys really jerk off that often, huh? (innocent and naive question because I absolutely have no idea that was the case. I mean I heard them talking but seriously?)

    • Surprisingly, most women don’t admit they masturbate…i think they’re crazier then us men, because they masturbate during sex because of the effects that masturbation has on their ability to have an orgasm (apparently most dicks aren’t enough to do the whole job correctly).

      Also, when women have an orgasm masturbating during sex their muscles will contract and expand where they squeeze the dick and make cum inside of them even faster.

      Of course woman have sexual drives, they just don’t make it appears so appealing as we men do =P

  4. Let me explain this as a pro in the subject.

    Men in general have physiological needs that must be fulfilled by his own body, and jerk off, is one of them. Sperm keeps getting “manufactured” by the “factory” in the testicles , as long as one lives, so… if you don’t jerk off by yourself, the body will (when it hits the full tank).

    Let me then share with you my personal experience, one day when i had 15yo , i decided i would not jerk off for a whole month, and guess what ? I had a nocturnal emission (involuntary ejaculation during sleep) , and as the tank was full, i blew up my pants and bed with nice and fresh milk… you guys can’t imagine what was my shame and embarashment for the fact, as my mother tought i did that on purpose, and i had looooooooooong talk about hygiene and all kind stuffs like that and was obliged to clean my own mess.

    I was in flames, and decided i’d have to control my own body, as a monk in mountain training, so i tried one more month without jerking off and guess what happened ? I wake up in the night seconds before the whole flood came out and rushed to the bathroom… in fact some milk fell on the bathroom’s floor, and i had to clean that =/

    Then i was very very very upset, because i wanted to control my desires, i tried one more month and i was successfull, but after 2 months straight without jerking off, i was insanelly disturbed… my cock was aroused 24 hours a day, my tank was double full and the smell of semen was present all the time… i had no choice but to JERK OFFFFFFFFF…

    For the record, (those are my personal tastes), i am used to jerk off at least once a week. If i know i’ll have sex with some girl, i try to make a 3 days hiatus, so the juice is mature but not overwhelming mature…that is how i cultivate my wine 😉

    One thing i am sure, it is a memorable experience every male should do once in life, so i am chering for you, but i doubt you’ll break my record with 2 months straight 😉

    • You forget to mention that women don’t have to masturbate because they have a convenient, built-in mechanism for keeping their own gametes fresh: menstruation. The day women can give up menstruation is the day men can give up masturbation.

    • we (glo, myself, and a bunch of our friends) try this every year during lent. Also we decided to have “The contest” once. During lent everyone makes it pretty long. 2 months is too long tho, although i would get laid at some point in that period of time so its all good.

    • Holy shit. 2 months???? Never. I could never…nor would I want to…..and you only blast once a week? I usually thump out a shot once a day, which is part of the reason I’ve stopped.

      • Didn’t you read my full story ? It was ONE MONTH and one jerk off, ONE MORE MONTH and another JERK OFF, TWO MORE MONTHS and a MASTER JERK OFF. So if we sum it all, it was roughly 120 days of non jerking off (which gives us a third of an year) , with only three ejaculations in this time period, which gives me the MEDAL OF HONOR.

        But i was 15/16yo back then,i think i would never achieve this again.

        That is one reason for you guys don’t fell no desires for girls in real life… you jerk off a lot…take a month break and “you’ll be aroused by a trash can it if looked at you the right way” – adapted from a famous phrase by: baka-raptor

        as long as you don’t jerk off, your hormones (and body) will try to take control of your mind for you to hit the nearest hole while you can, and if that doesn’t work… nocturnal emission will do the trick.

  5. umm…

    I’m pretty much doing the exact same thing as Kohta.

    I’m glad you followed that up with the next paragraph, because i was going to shit on you for it.

    Now as far as this whole conversation goes in the comments. Men need to beat it, its just a part of life. And actually the 3 years I was in a relationship with rachel i jerked off more than when i wasn’t…. even though i was getting laid almost every day. its wierd how that works. anyways, now that I’m single and getting laid every now and then, i think i jerk off a good amount. Not too much to chafe my dick, but enough to keep myself happy.

    I am so glad I just shared that with you losers.

  6. *Making emergency crotch adjustments* Now, quit masturbation, get married, buy a house, mortgage, dog, 3 kids, divorce, loose all the money, the house, the kids and the dog, grow white hair because of the divorce, live like a bum for 5 months, get unemployed… You will see what it takes to get back to masturbation! And they say the dog is the man’s best friend! Even a married man cant give up on it. Is like, loosing your best friend, the right hand! *Pets the hand* Masturbation is part of any great man! U can have all the girls in the world or great regular sex, but cmon, M. is our first joy, date and sex (safe sex). Any man who affirms that never wanked before he finally got laid is a LIER!

    PS: I thank god Im a MAN. My soldiers dont go against my hygiene and sanity once per month! I just use napkins for any spilling.

    • quite. I mean, there’s no actual penises or vaginas (those get censored) but there surly are:

      – blow jobs
      – tits
      – eating out (not at a restaurant)
      – fucking
      – sucking
      – cumming

      It’s not anything really raunchy though.

  7. You know man, if I had a myriad of demons assault me everyday to get their demon queen out of mai balls, I would just let that sh*t out. Screw humanity. As you can see I don’t do well under torture. In fact, Elyse might’ve done the job right off the bat, though I’d like to believe I’m a bit better than that.

    So I can’t believe you’re already in day 10. You have a witness, right? Do you have any idea how much this could fetch for if you submitted it to the Guinness Book of World Records?

  8. Jerking off


    – Momentary bliss
    -No rage = no strapping c-4 to yourself and blowing up random building x
    -Exercise…sort of
    -Kills time finding the right flavor on the net to beat slap your guy around to. Almost a hobby really
    – Prostate will be healthier


    – Tired groggy feeling if you over do it
    – Its so fun its easy to not want to do anything else. Like smoking a j. They aren’t addictive but like I said who turns down pleasure? No one.

    -Due to the above it can force itself on your lifestyle. Wanting more and more (milking yourself 5-8 times a day for example and at 10-20 minutes picking flavors and 5-20 minute act…time gets eaten

    – Encounters with ladies can be less rewarding because 90% of them lack the willingness for kinky sexual degradation/ camera magic beauty (airbrushing and such) the porn girls do. I mean besides how many girls go out in pigtails, that heavy egyptian whore look while in a short skirt and stockings with a DDD chest that somehow is defying gravity. Not many.

    – ^ Pleasure received is lesser due to the fact that you arent carrying a time cock charged load. Seriously quit for 3 days and then have a go at it. Huge diffy.

    – ^ If you use a strong manly grip it may take you quite some time to cum with intercourse as you are trained to release with strong manly handshakes 🙂 This may not be a bad thing though as long time to cum + less stimulation may be a good thing for the woman as you can last long enough to ensure by probability that she has a good time. (which means she may gussy up like a whore for you and do fuck nasty things during intercourse you strongly and quitely regret upon cumming 🙂

    Good luck I guess. Don’t know why I bother – it is a losing battle anyhow. Bout as useful as an ant as a firefighter in California

  9. Pingback: Diary of a Manga Lived: I Saved the World | Baka-Raptor

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