Oh Cruel Irony!

Who the hell said that line (referring to the title)? Irony isn’t cruel, it’s awesome! Time to elaborate in this much belated post.

Irony. To sum it up, I’d say it’s like……hmm….it’s like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife, it’s like meeting the [person] of your dreams, and then meeting [their] beautiful [significant other]. In case you need more explanation about what irony is, check this out:

So what’s so great about Irony? Well, basically it’s just amusing (to me at least) to watch something, and have a character or characters (or even myself) expect one thing, and then have the complete opposite happen instead. Let me see if I can find an example…OH! Great one. Okay, anybody else here like Jigoku Shoujo? That anime is filled with all sorts of sick nasty awesomeness, from revenge to loads of irony. There’s just so much to choose from! How about the second fucking episode ever?

Want to try dying this once?

I’m just going to copy this right from wikipedia:

Ryōko Takamura is being stalked, so she and her family seek the aid of investigator Kōichirō Kisaragi in tracking down and arresting the stalker, not knowing that he is the stalker. Ryōko then sends him to Hell.

How about the CEO of the computer company who couldn’t use computers?

HELL YES! (get it? HELL?) That is just awesome! There’s irony all over the place in Jigoku Shoujo! Personally, I liked the second season more, and I still haven’t watched the third season, because I like to space good anime out. God damn this show kicked ass. Long live Jigoku Shoujo! (that statement is sort of ironic, since that show is all about death!)

Okay, now I’m really getting into it, but I have to go to class. Here’s a few pictures of Irony that I found on Google:

mobile! (If you can guess which post/blog from which I ripped that sentence off from, you win. Hint: It’s my favorite post I’ve ever read ever)”]Ding Ding! Here comes the irony mobile! (If you can guess which post/blog I took this from, you win. Hint: It's my favorite post I've ever read ever)

This one's funny because it's really fake, in an ironic sort of way....holy shit.....DOUBLE IRONY!

Here would be an example of double, super irony:


Cause: Ku Klux Klan member get's injured from trying to burn a cross. LOL! Jokes on you fella!

Double yay!

Needless to say, the burnt fella will need medical help, so how ironic would it be that a bunch of black people are the ones that save his life? LOL! THAT'S DOUBLE IRONY!

Okay, I’m back from class, which I skipped to play basketball at the gym. It was much more fun than class. Back to irony, and how much it rules.

So if you didn’t know before, you know now that Jigoku Shoujo rocks because of its themes of irony and revenge (not even mentioning all of the other awesome aspects), but what other anime shows have irony? The answer? Every show has irony to some level. If you name a show that I’ve seen, I bet you I could find irony. To try and prove this to myself, I’m going to randomly select a show from my List, and see if I can describe its irony:

Great….I landed on fucking Honey and Clover…..well, I’m not going to do that one because I don’t feel like getting shit on for my opinions (even though I really don’t mind it…..not literally getting shit on, I would mind that)….For the record, I realized I had forgotten D.Gray Man, and that subsequently replaced Honey and Clover on my least favorite anime list, Honey and Clover was boring, but not top 5 badness, K-On also moved higher up (switched with Fruits Basket….there’s no way Fruits Basket was worse than K-On…was I high when I wrote that? No, because I stopped smoking weed forever.)

Well I just got way off topic. Let’s try this again…..Oh, I landed on Bleach.


This picture makes the anime look like the awesomest thing ever. However, in reality, it's just regular awesome, because the awesomest thing ever is Gantz (manga). Hold on, why is Samurai Champloo not in my top ten? I need to change that.

Bleach is not only a good show (that I haven’t watched in like a while) but coincidentally, I was just updating on klux’s wall that I still haven’t seen the fucking movie. I want to see that shit, but it’s a fucking movie. I don’t have time for a whole fucking movie ever. That’s gay. Anyway, (nothing wrong with a homo or two unless you can hear them have sex) Bleach happens to be filled to the brim with irony. Example:

Ichigo and the Shinigami all try and kill hollows, correct? But later on, it turns out that Ichigo gets a lot of power from his hollow (or something). There’s some irony. Ironically, the same type of thing that the Shinigami’s consider to be evil and bad can make them stronger (vizards). That’s kind of weak though, and not a good type of irony. Jigoku Shoujo is unmatched in irony, as far as I’m concerned.  Oh shit, I have to go to my volleyball game. We’re going to lose anyway, because half are team is female and as you know, females suck at all sports. There’s even a girl who plays actual volleyball on our team, and she blows cock, (just in skill….she’s actually a real life lesbian (not hot I think…I can’t remember, I was drunk last game….wow I’m a piece of shit))……will be back in time, here’s some more pics in the mean time.

Okay I’m back. And we fucking won nastily. I had two serves where I smacked the ball as hard as I can and aced them both. My third one smacked the back of the wall (I wish). Good fun time. Anyway, where was I?

Oh yea, fucking Irony. Let’s take some literature. One story in particular, taken right out of my Lit class. The story is of course, “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin. I linked to it, and it’s short, and it contains awesome irony in stupid nasty ways, so go read it now. I’m going to explain it and it might seem dumb if you don’t know the story, or maybe it won’t, only you, the reader, knows for sure….well, technically, no one will know for sure, because this is an opinion. However, I can prove opinions wrong (Refuse to Come Wack), so….

Anyway, The Story of an Hour is about a women who is married. This woman has some heart trouble, so when her friends get news that her husband has died, they let her off as easy as possible. She sobs and goes to her room to be alone. (this story is fucking awesome). Up there, she thinks. She realizes suddenly, that she is now free. Free to spend time by herself, where she is most comfortable. She is suddenly relieved and almost happy that her husband has died. She now has her whole life ahead of her to do as she pleases, with time to herself. It’s like a great weight has been lifted off her shoulders. It turns out, that her husband didn’t die, and in fact had just come home as this women is walking down the stairs. She sees her husband, whom she thought was dead, and then dies of heart failure.

This story has so much awesome foreshadowing, irony, and literary elements, that I could write a paper on how sick it is that would be about 10 times longer than the actual story, but I’m not going to, because this is supposed to be an anime blog (and other shit, obviously).

But this story captures irony perfectly, and I can’t think of a better way to end this post, so I’m done…..oh wait, here are a shitload of more Ironic pictures.


Oh, Cute Irony!

This is saying that black people enjoy the ganja. They do.

I just like this art

I LOVE this.

thats irony

Irony. It rules.

Cool Looking Characters Part…uh….3?

Okay this is another installment of that list of characters that I think look cool. I think I’m going to do this and then just post my top ten, because I really have no ambition of doing these posts.

Anyway, I can’t pick just one character from Saynara Zetsubou Sensei, so I picked several (in no specific order):

I was going to do that, but I really don’t want to, so here are just more cool looking characters:

Vizard Ichigo – Bleach

Shit that's cool.

With a picture like that, I’m thinking, “how did this not make the top ten?” Then I look at my top ten, and I think, “how did this not make the top ten?” Vizard Ichigo is fucking cool. I mean, FUCK. LOOK AT THE FUCKING PICTURE. THE EYES.THE EYEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!! GRRRAAAAAAARRYYAAAA!!!!

Dante – Devil May Cry

He looks cool.

“I tote guns, I make number runs, I-I tote guns, I-I tote guns.” Yea, Dante totes guns. And a big ass sword. BRRRAAT BRRRAAT. He also enjoys a strawberry sundae or too, but that only has to deal with image based on actions not image based on actual image.

Chihaya – Asu no Yoichi


Green hair, horizontal long striped socks, cool shirt, cool glasses, and she has a different outsit in every episode of this awesome show. I wish girls in real life dressed like this mre often….

Zero/CC – Code Geass

Pairing of Awesome.

Both these mutha fuckas gots da STYLEEE SON BALLLINNNN. Sorry, I’ve been listing to Red Cafe – I Tote Guns ft Diddy & Biggy Smalls on repeat for the past 10 minutes. I’m feeling real gangsta up in this bitch. I one time wrote a real hardcore gangsta rap for fun, it turned out to just be funny. I remember one line….well, if Robert reads this than he’ll let you know the line I’m sure. Wow, I didn’t say anything about the characters, did I? Lol, I suck at this.

Shunsui Kyoraku – Bleach


Nice hat, nice flower shit, I like the whole shpiel.

Kaname Tosen – Bleach


In case you haven’t noticed, by now, I’ve stopped titling the pictures. I’m also not resizing my pictures. But here’s this blind guy from bleach. Oh shit, he reminds me of LeVar Burton from Star Trek: Generations:


Wow Bleach ripped this off big. I mean, Tosen is the only black guy in Bleach, AND he has a similar eye thingy….no no this doesn’t make sense at all.

Red Cafe is nasty, simply because he always says, “Huhhhh??” after everything.

L – Deathnote

death note

You’re kidding, right? This is becoming a joke!

So okay, there’s not much special about how he looks. He’s got a white shirt and blue jeans. But he also has sick ass hair, crazy eyes, and he sits the same way that I do (I literally sit like this, my feet never touch floor…..you know, unless I’m in public).

Vegeta – Dragonball Z

DBZ           Vegeta Finger_ad

Dragonball Z WAS THE SHIT. And VEGETA kicked SO MUCH ASS. He was the fucking man. Look at those sick shoulder pads, that extended middle finger, that upstanding black hair, that DRAGONBALL. HELLO PEOPLE! VEGETA! AWesomeE.

Bankotsu – InuYasha


The best part in the InuYasha series was unquestionable the whole Band of Seven arc. That shit was the shit, and the best character appearance wise was the leader, Bankotsu. All of them had -otsu in their names. What a coincidence, huh? Anyway, he looks Indian in heritage, and he also looks like he could kick your ass, it he wasn’t such a fucking pretty boy. He’s got a big ass sword though (not pictured) and that compensates for his boyish appearance. I mean, he killed 99 demons with that shit. Hard body.

Allean – Queen’s Blade


Arguably my favorite character in general from Queen’s Blade, she definitely takes the cake appearance wise. I mean, sure the red cape accents the green other shit. But the best part is the fucking awesome hat that she has. That hat is just……it’s the epitome of awesome.

Well I’m done for now because I’m tired. I can’t believe I just wasted time on this, the most lazy and uninspiring post I have ever written. I think I’ll do one more before my top ten is revealed. By the way, the Nuggets are STILL UN-DE-FUCKING-FEATED.