This is Just An Update

Because I’m too lazy to make an actual post. But it is very informative, and it’s better to write a filler post than study for my midterm in a few hours (EDIT: I wrote this hours and hours ago). So here we go. Basically, I’m dropping a whole bunch of shows:


God this show sucks.  I watched one episode, but today, weeks after the first episode aired, I really have no ambition to pick this up again. I’m getting extremely sick of these types of shows if they aren’t funny, which this one isn’t. The last one I watched was hilarious and that’s probably why this one fell so short in my eyes.

Nurarihyon no Mago

Here’s a show that I thought would be good. But instead, it was just filled with mediocre. If I finished it, I’d probably end up giving it a 4, but I just have no ambition to start watching this again. It was kind of dumb.

Fact is, this show reminded me of Yu-Gi-Oh, which is the dumbest shit I’ve never bothered to fully watch (since it sucks). Speaking of Yu-Gi-Oh. I was in the city this weekend, and a friend of me asked me “You’re into all that Yu-Gi, cartoon, Asian stuff, right?” I hesitated, because I hate Yu Gi Oh or being associated with it because it’s a shitty shit show, but I didn’t feel like explaining all that because I didn’t want to sound like a bigger loser than I already sounded like, so I just told him yes, but fuck. I fucking hate Yu-Gi-Oh. Not every anime is that gay. In fact, most anime that are played in America I fucking hate, but all Americans think, “All anime is like this.” and it’s not anything like that. Basically, what I’m trying to say is people are stupid. Did I even spell Yu Gi Oh right? I don’t think I care.

I’m debating dropping Kaichou wa Maid-sama, even though I swore I’d finish it. I think I’d rather go back on my word than finish this heap of trash. As of now, it’s probably getting a three. It does sometimes have good points, but they’re far and few between.

What else? As I stated, I’ve jumped back on the Berserk wagon, watching the show and such. I last left off on episode 7, and so far, since I’ve re-picked it up, I’ve completed 2 seconds of the intro. After this weekend I’ll have more time. Fact is, I’ve been in New York his week, working, and doing a couple other things that take up my time…mainly, the P90X. Me and my friend started doing this “workout” and let me tell you, It’s easily doable, but it’s hard. I’m not in bad shape. I’m not in great shape, but I could actually complete a run longer than 5 miles, so I can’t be in that bad of shape. Now, after a week, my whole body is constantly sore, and I’m talking about full body soreness, including places I’ve never been sore in before. I love it. Give me 90 days and I’ll be ripped in half. I should mention that if anyone decides to do this workout, the dude who tells you what to do is a fucking tool. He honestly sucks. But I know several people who have done this workout and they all ended up getting ripped as fuck. Basically, don’t expect many posts for a while, because personally, for the next month I’m probably going to do nothing but art and shit. No time for ISSS or anime, because I’m really getting into art, and I have to paint a fucking huge mural by the end of November. Why am I telling you all of this? I don’t know, because I can.

Let’s talk about my God damn midterms one more time. What happened exactly? I basically raped them so hard that my dick tore the test papers to shreds and then, do to the heavy friction of my thrusts, they caught fire. After the test paper was nicely corrupted, and I was satisfied that the exam itself had been raped beyond recognition, I busted a huge, 7 pound wad of ejaculate all over everyone in the class, especially the professors. I then took what remained of the exam(s) and stuck them to the face of whatever cum-covered professor I had that day. Then, I popped the collar on my duster and left with my finger raised high. Bad ass.


I heard some more new MCR, and here is my consensus (links to songs):

Planetary (Go!) – Fucking awesome. Pretty much the same type of song as Na Na Na, but with awesome nuclear warning sirens in the beginning and a bunch of laser like sounds that match the “apocalypse Mad Max” theme.

Party Poison – Apparently Death Before Disco is going to be on the album after all, re-named as Party Poison. I hope so, this song is awesome.

The Kids From Yesterday – I’m going to be honest with you, this song kinda sucks. Of course, the band kind of made it for themselves.

Na Na Na – Fucking joke session of awesome. The video kicks ass too. I can’t wait to see the other two videos, which are going to continue the story.

The Only Hope For Me Is You – It’s not a bad song, but at the same time, it’s kind of just there. I still like it.

Dayum I can’t wait for this shit. I wish I was a killjoy for Halloween, well, almost. I mean, I’m a fucking awesome matador best costume ever made. This album is going to rape the planet.

High School Of The Dead: One of the Most Bad-Ass Things I’ve Ever Watched

All I can say is, Holy Shit. I’m glad I waited and marathoned this. There was not one minute that wasn’t adrenaline rushed,  not one episode that less than awesome, and not one character who was not bad-ass. Well, okay, there were a few non-bad-ass characters. They all died.

You know, I never used to like zombie movies, zombie shows, or anything zombie related in particular. Zombies to me were just kind of…bleh. Every movie about zombies was and pretty much still is the same. People turn into zombies. Other people try not to get eaten….big deal. Each one has the same plot right? Well, I’m officially jumping on the zombie bandwagon and riding it until I’m out of ammo and my blade is dull from slicing off the heads of the undead. How awesome was this anime? I just finished it, and instead of writing my lab report due tomorrow today that pretty much decides my whole grade for a class, I’m writing this post. Edit: My lab report SUCKED, and I could care less.

Coming into HOTD (which is an awesome acronym), I was expecting a decent show about zombies, only because I heard that the manga kicked ass. This was a mute point however. Mainly, I was just happy to have a show with a shit ton of blood. I feel like anime is lacking in the blood department. There are almost no shows that choose to have bloody massacres anymore and that makes me sad. Needless to say, High School of the Dead made me happy.

So I watched it. I watched two episodes, and I thought, “Hey, this is a pretty good show.” Then I stopped watching….well….pretty much every new show I had started. This happens to me every season. I start about 12 shows, watch 2 episodes, and quit. Same thing here. Until a couple days ago, when I forced myself to start watching HOTD again. Since than, I’ve been in shear bloody ecstasy. As I watched, I began to realize that this show had what I now like to refer to as:

The Triple Entente

Of a Bad-Ass Show

1. All Characters Are Bad-Ass

This show certainly fits the bill. Every character (who remains alive throughout) is bad-ass as FUCK. Even the little girl who they find is bad ass! I mean, she not only hits a zombie with a tire (which is the most she could do really), but she also pees on people without any regard! I mean, the only slightly non-bad-ass character was Saya, but that’s only because she only shot a few zombies at close range without hesitation, as opposed to say, Saeko, who slaughters zombies mercifully and fucking gets wet from it.

Here, at least according to subbers, she is killing everyone, and proclaims to be wet. This is great, and made me wet too (because I spilled my water on myself when I jumped in the air [it’s a side-effect of seeing awesomeness]). In case you’re wondering, yes, Saeko is my favorite character, and yes, it’s mainly because she’s a girl who has a sword and enjoys killing.

On second thought, I just remembered that the school nurse, who is a whore, was completely non-bad-ass. In fact, she sucked. At least she was never afraid of anything (mainly because she had no clue what was going on most of the time).

2. Blood

There was not only blood, but there was also, blood, blood, and more blood.

3. Tits and Ass

BOOBS and ASS. The best inventions since the vagina was created by Thomas Edison in 1324 BCE, and the perfect combo when talking about pretty much any situation. I mean, we even get to see some Zombie ass! (which is kinda weird to be honest, but awesome nonetheless). In fact, and correct me if I’m wrong, but every single female shown in this anime has gigantic tits (little girl aside). Even if you’re put off by everything else in this show, you can still come to glare at some nice round cans (meaning boobs or ass).

Actually, there was some vagina here too, which adds to the awesomeness. I should rename this TAV.


The other thing that made this great was the animation. Some shows are donuts. They start and finish with great animation, but everything in between sucks. Other shows are Tokko, where the animation sucks all the way through. Some shows are Air Master, where only specific scenes have awesome animation, but the rest of the show has shitty crap. This show was none of the above. It was fully 100% beautiful animation. Which meant fluid fight scenes. What are fluid fight scenes? They’re bad-ass catchers. When you have fluid fight scenes, you can capture all of the bad-assness in a show.


We’re talking high flying kicks, unrealistic dodges, gunshots to the head from several angles, bullets weaving in between breasts and under vaginas…..everything that can be considered awesome. Slow motion, fast motion changing views…’s honestly a marvel. I loved it. I’m intensely glad I didn’t read the manga, because it wouldn’t have been close in bad-assness, and the animation is why.

So, in the end, HOTD was an adrenaline rush of awesome excitement at every turn, and I can’t think of a single reason to give this show any grade lower than a 5^^, nor would I ever want to.


Oh No! Bill been bitten by a lazily photoshoped body! (although I used paint, not photoshop....If I said a lazily "Painted" body than no one would have known what I was talking about).

The Best Thing About Manga Scans

Reading manga is great, and if possible, I like to spring for the volumes sold in stores. Personally, I feel like holding the manga in your hand and having it there to read is just a lot better than clicking a mouse to view the next page. I mean, sure, manga as viewed online is usually much bigger, and easier to read the words (unless the quality really sucks), but manga in hand is worth 2 in the bush I always say.

That actually makes no sense at all.

Nope. Anyway, there’s one thing that fan scanlations have that official releases don’t, and personally, I love it. I’m talking of course about the one page at the end of a chapter that has fake subs. For example:

I found this funny, because I'm half emo, and think that Batman is pretty cool.

Now, we all view Ulquiorrra as a character as emo as they come. He never smiles, never shows emotion, and has facepaint that resembles tears or something. That’s pretty fucking emo. So this is funny for that reason. Kind of. Honestly, I don’t know why I found this funny. It wasn’t that funny. Bad example. Let me now show you my funniest “Scan-Fan Page” from Bleach:

WAAAHAHAHA! I’m still grabbing my sides they hurt so good! Not really, but still, this is hilarious. If you know One Piece, than you know that Brook is the greatest character in the entire show, on the count that all he does is make stupid, yet incredibly awesome puns. I love puns. All awesome people love puns. It’s a fact of life. I love this shit. I also love things that degrade women:

You tell that ho! Get back in the kitchen and make some chicken noodle soup (with a soda on the side)!

I was going to say something about the picture, but instead I’ll tell you a story that will make you either laugh, or consider me for 1st place in “World’s Biggest Asshole.” I’d be fine with either to be honest.

One time, me and my roommate might or might not have been doing some fun activities which might or might not have been considered “illegal” in front of our dorm that might or might not have rhymed with tarijuana, and across the street, we saw a guy get pulled over. Instead of being bitches and running inside. We stood there and heckled the cop, who was a woman. We told her to do things like “Get back in the kitchen” and it was pretty funny. Anyone reading this probably thinks that I’m the biggest asshole on the planet, but realize that I was really high. I actually went back into my dorm and just laughed for about 2 hours. It was a great time. Of course, weed has since lost it’s luster and I find no need to touch the stuff again.  The comments of course, were all in jest, and it was probably good that nothing happened, because smoking weed in front of a cop in Willimantic (where cops are assholes and will arrest people just for standing there on some bogus charge that was complete bullshit) and heckling a cop while using prejudice comments is probably one of the dumbest ideas one could have. Anyway, I don’t really find degrading women to be good, and I love women because they’re awesome. In fact, if I ever get married, my wife ain’t cooking. Mainly because I like to cook, and let’s face it, I’m a man, I’m probably better at it than she is. I should probably just not talk.

Anyway, The “Scan-Fan Pages” are fucking awesome and they rule.

Extra Shit

First of all, I’ve been watching jack shit for anime lately. I did recently force myself to watch some HOTD, and completed 3 episodes. They were good. I like them. At night, the cat can disguise itself as a puddle.

Anyway, I’ve been on a manga SPREE. I’ve been clicking random manga and just reading. In fact, currently, I have about 40 manga that I’m “reading”.

EDIT: After counting, it’s actually 53. Although, to be fair, “currently reading” only means that I have read at least one chapter, and have either caught up, or not looked at it since. So in reality, I’m probably close to about 28, which is still a lot.

ANOTHER EDIT: After reading a comment, I forced myself to read Koharu no Hibi (or what’s out there so far), and it’s not only hilarious, but I couldn’t control my Kool Aid smile when I saw this at the end of the first chapter:

For my take on the manga, see my response to said comment.

Stalkers in Anime Related to Real Life

Today I picked up the manga Butterfly randomly. I didn’t even read the bio or anything. It was kind of bleh, until espers got introduced. Now it’s slightly above average, but still nothing to write home about. Here’s a picture: Now, this is a seemingly pointless picture if you haven’t been reading this manga, you will have no idea what this page means. It’s just a seemingly random page from the manga, depicting an elementary school girl talking about being a stalker (which she really isn’t). But this specific page got me thinking. In anime, almost all of the stalkers are female. What an awesome world! If you’ve taken time to notice (as I have) stalkers in real life are almost always men. In fact, only about 13% of all stalkers are female (I did research bitch!).

These male stalker figures are usually balding, and are typically horribly pathetic losers who can’t get laid and have to resort to stalking some girl who is way out of their league. These men typically watch and/or  video tape these girls when they’re taking showers, changing, or doing other “special” tasks (like cleaning or applying paint to their kitchen walls). Then these stalkers give their stubby fishhooks a nuzzle and cry silently in the corner of their room. What a sad, sad life. However, anime pulls a 180 on everyone and usually depicts cute girls as stalkers. I’ve rarely seen any male stalkers in anime. I could probably count the amount of animale stalkers I’ve seen ion one hand, and that’s after I cut off a few fingers. I’m not complaining or anything, it’s just an observation. I love the anifemale stalker character type. Take a look at my all star stalking lineup (the ones I remember most).

Rosario + Vampire: Mizore Shirayuki

Rie Kugimiya. END. Mizore is one of the best stalkers I’ve seen. Not only does she dress awesomely, and have fucking cool hair, but fuck….she’s a pro at the game.

Nyan Koi: Kotone Kirishima

Another good stalker, she can infiltrate her victim’s home and convince her victim’s family to love her, and accept her as one of the family. She’ll also bug the shit out of your home.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei: Matoi Tsunetsuki


How To Deal With a Female Stalker

Now in real life, female stalkers are similar [to anifemale stalkers], but different. They’re more or less crazy bitches, and I respect that. A crazy bitch would be fine with me, as long as she doesn’t cut off my dick. Let me share with you an excerpt from this article, which explains it well: This article, which explains it well.

“For instance, they might send a male victim fifty text messages in one night, ranging from threats to declarations of love.”‘

Okay, if a girl texted me 50 times in one night, with death threats and love letters, I’d call her and tell her to come on over. Then would come the sex. We’d bang, and bang hard. All night, just banging back and forth. I’d bang her, she’s bang me….we’d be banging each other. Then, to get rid of her, I’d pull the oldest trick in the book:

Stalk the shit out of her.

That’s right, if you have a stalker, all you have to do is flip the script and out-stalk her. Follow her everywhere. Quit your job. Devote every waking hour to watching her. In fact, if you’re real good, you can even stalk her when she’s stalking you. To do this you’ll need two things. You, and a few hidden video cameras. Set them up around the places you normally go and where she would most likely follow you. Then watch the video later to find out where she stalks you from. Chances are, she has hidden hideouts already set up in several locations. Video her stalking you, and then later, show her the tapes, and even give her pointers. She’ll quickly realize what a crappy stalker she is, and she’ll get depressed. This is very important. Be sure to pound the fact that you are better than her at stalking into her brain. Eventually, she’ll be so fed up with you’re constant stalking and comments that she’ll either leave you or kill you. If she tries to kill you, then simply tell her that you love her so much that if it makes her happy, you’ll gladly kill yourself. Be sure to really let her know that you love her a lot (even though you don’t). This profound portrayal of love will confuse her to the point of tears. She’ll be torn about whether she loves you or still wants to kill you, and she’ll end up killing herself to escape the pain and confusion. Your problem will then be solved, and you’ll be free to go about your business with the pleasure of the thought that you outwitted a stalker.

*Keep in mind that this entire scenario only works if the stalker is decently attractive. The sad truth is that most stalkers are ugly as fuck. I mean, if they were hot, they wouldn’t have problems getting a lover.

On that note, I’m still taking applications for female stalkers. If you want to stalk me, you know….job’s open so…….yeah go ahead.

UPDATE: Did I say elementary school girl? Turns out that’s not exactly right.

Anime Powers #1: Ranma 1/2

I was eating some cookies, when all of a sudden, just like a Windows 7 commercial, it hit me.

“Doesn’t everyone want to know what I would do if I had so-and-so’s powers? Yes. Yes they do!”

There’s a SHITLOAD of different power ups, abilities, and pretty much superpowers that anime characters have. So what am I going to do? I’m going to go through everything from Espers to Espadas and bring out abilities from  every corner of the Anime universe and tell you why they rock, suck, and most importantly, what I would do if I had them. So here’s part one of this super-powered series of posts, starting with the ability that inspired it all…

Ranma 1/2: Gender Bending

These two are the same person, in case you are clueless to classic anime.

For the record, no, I still haven’t finished the anime series. Now, in case you aren’t familiar with Ranma 1/2, let me tell you:

“You are an idiot. Everyone who watches anime at least knows what this show is about”

It’s about Ranma Saotome, a black haired Martial Artist and real Man’s man (seen above) who, while training in China, the shittiest place ever, falls into a cursed spring (pond) and is forever ailed with the curse of the drowned girl. Pretty much, whenever he’s hit with cold water, he changes into a girl (seen above). Likewise, warm water reverses the effect.

There have been other cases of the gender bending ability (that dude/girl from To LOVE-Ru), but this is probably the most classic and well known form of the gender bender. Now, in Ranma 1/2, there are many different cursed springs, from the drowned cat to the drowned panda to the drowned Spring of the Drowned Yeti Holding an Eel and Crane while Riding an Ox. Technically, I should make this power shape shifting, but fuck that noise, I’m talking about gender bending.

What would I do, if I had the ability to change genders with a little H2O? To evaluate, I think it’s best to compare and contrast with Ranma Saotome.

Ranma’s biggest thing was that, even when he was a girl, he was still act like a dude. He didn’t give a shit about showing his breasts, and in fact, he used them as a weapon at times to fuck with the minds of dudes. I’d maybe be similar in the aspect that I would let my tits flop all over the place. I’d pretty much treat every part of my body as a joke. I mean, it would almost be like being in a costume with a mask. No one knows who is under the mask, so who cares what you do? I’m going to be Green Man for Halloween this year, and let me tell you, I’m going to go crazy.

Anyway, as for things I’d do? Well the first is pretty obvious. I think I talked about this once, but I’m not going to go and search for that post. I talked about masturbation, which I would immediately do, but I thought of something kind of funny….or interesting. It’s kind of a social experiment.

At a time when I was laying pipe with a girl (fucking a girl), I would wait until my dick was NOT in touching her, and I would make sure her eyes were shut, then I would change genders, and continue as if nothing happened. How long would it take before she realizes I’m now a girl? What would she do? So curious! Pretty much, I’d run amok. I’d especially steal everything. If I’m being chased? No big deal, I’d turn a corner and suddenly be a girl. In effect, I’d be able to disappear at any time. Oh how I would abuse these powers!

New MCR Single: The Only Hope For Me Is You

How did I find this? Because I’m a freak and have nothing better to do with my time then look for new leaked songs. And must I say….Holy Shit. This doesn’t even sound like My Chemical Romance at all. However, it has “HIT SINGLE” written all over it. Hopefully it actually gets played on the Radio Stations for once. God fucking Christ’s-shit of a station Radio 104.1 sucks massive bear cock.


Here’s the link to download illegally, which I did, because I plan on buying the album the second it comes out anyway:

Na Na Na is still better IMO, but fuck, it’s MCR, I don’t not like any of their songs. This one has a completely different feel to it than any of their songs I’ve heard. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but it’s new so it’s awesome.

UPDATE: Song is awesome as FUCK.

My dream about Hollows, Espada, and a whole bunch of Asian Shit

So I need to write this shit down.

It all started in ancient China, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon style. A great martial artist/warrior died, and this bad guy (who later on turned out to be Aizen from Bleach?) wanted to destroy China  and recreate it in his own image. He approached the Emperor’s priest, who had serious magical abilities, and asked him to revive the warrior, who would then serve only him after being revived. The priest said that he would like to help, but could not do it out of respect for the dead warrior (who, by the way, was my dad in this dream as played by Yun-Chow Fat). This evil guy then decided to steal the spells to do this and revive the warrior himself. He did so, but then this dream ended…or I should say, it flashed forward a few years or something.

I was in a more modern world, and Ichigo just defeated Aizen, as per the manga, but Aizen never died, and started raging over everything beating (but not killing of course, no one ever seems to die in Bleach…at least no good guys). Ishida (who was beaten down at this point pretty badly), suddenly got a new ability where when he touches anyone’s head, it would become encased in an orange sphere, rendering the person paralyzed, and draining all of their spiritual powers at the same time…permanently. He easily defeated all of the remaining Espada (of which there were about 5). It was actually pretty bad ass, considering that Ishida is usually a little bitch. Anyway, as it turns out, Aizen actually had it planned that the good guys would all defeat the Espada, meaning that there was now no one to beat him.

After this, Ishida decided to team up with the Espada, and even revive their powers (because there’s ALWAYS a way to revive powers in Bleach). He ended up giving them the same power boost he gave himself (the orange boost). To do so, he pretty much drew alchemy tattoos all over his body (they resembled the alchemy circles from FMA). He did this to Ichigo and anyone else who lost their power.

This was pretty much yet another power up for Ichigo, who was now Hollow Ichigo with Orange Powers (Halloween Ichigo, as I call him). I know that it was bad ass as FUCK. We were all moving in on Aizen’s castle, ready to demolish him, when suddenly, my alarm clock went off, and I went off to work, disappointed.

In case you can’t understand how bad ass Ichigo with Orange power really is. I drew you a picture using superior photo-shop skills.

What? You say that doesn’t look bad ass? What do you know anyway!?

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt: 1st Episode

At first glance (first 4 minutes of this episode), I thought that this show was pretty dumb, but after finishing it, I realized that this could be the greatest thing ever made.

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt Episode 1

I was not planning on watching this “anime” ever, mainly because of the animation. When I watch anime, I enjoy the art, and the cultural stylings that Japan has to offer. Anime, after all, is pretty unique to Japan, aside from some hybrid series like……uh…..well they’re out there anyway. Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt looks more American than a McDonald’s Big Mac (which I ate today, because the Monopoly game is back, and even though I have no chance of winning, it’s fun to throw away money to eat shitty food just for a game piece. I think. It doesn’t really sound fun but whatever). A lot of bloggers out there have been calling this show a close cousin to the Powerpuff Girls, except instead of sugar and spice and everything nice, we get hit with awesome sexual scenarios and general crudeness. Like adaywithoutme, I expected more a bit more crudeness than what I got, but I wasn’t exactly disappointed about this. In fact I thought it was a perfect amount of sex, swearing and panties. But surprisingly enough, the crude-factor wasn’t what attracted me most.

Before I get started, this dog looks very similar to

Literally, GIR was the first thing I thought of when I saw this dog. I mean, how many green dogs are out there? I mean, okay GIR wasn’t actually a dog but whatever. Continuing:

The art and animation was fucking awesome. In every scene, there’s always so much going on. There’s always something moving, flying through the air, or getting taken out by monsters. take the chase scene in the second half of the episode. Cars were flying left and right, and it was exciting, fun, and generally crazy-sick-nasty. Everything moves smoothly and flows oh so sweetly. I can’t remember if the Powerpuff Girls was the same way, but I highly doubt it. PaSwG has the same craziness that TTGL had, and personally, I love it.

I also love how Gainex still uses and adds other media into the mix, kind of in the same way that SHAFT does. For example, whenever a monster is defeated, suddenly everything goes live-action for a second. It’s a bit SHAFTy, and I like it.

This monster, for the record, was made of shit, and all of the monsters blow up at the end. It's awesome.

Besides that, the show also broke from it’s American Style/Scott Pilgrim Copycat/Powerpuff Girls Animation to show us that yes, this was indeed made in Japan, and if you can’t tell by the fact that everyone’s talking in Japanese, then hey, we’ll give you some anime style art:

For the record, the music in the transformation scene was pretty sweet. It reminded me of DDR, which I’ve been wanting to play for a while now. Too bad I’m too lazy to get the pad out and actually do it. My DDR pad is all the way in the basement, and it’s cold and dark and spider-webby down there, and spider webs are fucking annoying to walk through. When I go hiking, for example, I walk through so many fuc-

You’re getting wayyy off topic…and why don’t you bitch about the basement a little more? You’re such a fucking whiner…….and where’s my post that I get to write about you? In fact, you’ve been cutting me out of all your posts lately, I bet the readers don’t even remember who the fuck I am! You shou-

Go fuck yourself pal, don’t bother me now. So the music was good at any rate, and the mix of American style animation with Japanese style animation was pretty awesome to say the least. This anime could be groundbreaking the same way that hybrid cars changed the automotive industry. Every fucking car is a fucking hybrid of other cars. Like….SUV/Minivan/Sports Cars and all that shit. Personally, I love it, there’s so much more we can do with car designs now. However, I don’t want a bunch of anime to start coming out in Powerpuff Girls format, but one show every now and then is fine, if not awesome.

As for the general content: Superb. The first episode was broken into two parts. The second half was filled with a great climax (a few times), and the first half was full of shit (literally). Poop is funny. The end.

Stamped With Approval of Glo the Legend

Extra Shit

I think I might reach 300K by January. I’ve been averaging 1000 hits a day and it feels great. Of course, hits don’t mean anything anyway. Wouldn’t that be something though? It takes me 21 months to reach 200K and only 4 to reach 300K?

I watched the first episode of MM!, and was very disappointed at how shitty it was. I found it shallow and pedantic.

Tenchi Muyo Saga Part 2: Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki!

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki!

After I watched one minute of this series, I could already tell that it was going to be infinitely better than Tenchi Universe, not only was the animation great, but the characters, Tenchi in particular, were a LOT more interesting.

Premise: Kind of the same thing, a few differences here and there. It was a re-telling or something, the one thing is, it was split into three OVAs, each consisting of 6 episodes. I’m going to group the first 2 OVAs, which were pretty much similar in story and how things shaped up, and I’m going to talk about the third OVA separately, because it’s completely fucking different.

OVAs One and Two

All the bad things:

  • Mihoshi was in this anime. She still sucked, although I’ll admit she didn’t suck nearly as bad.
  • Where the fuck was Kiyone!? You put fucking Mihoshi in but don’t add Kiyone, who is 3404583 better than fucking Mi-ho-shi (ho as in a whore)!? BLASPHEMY. I was physically upset that Kiyone wasn’t involved in any of these OVA’s. I kept expecting her to make an appearance and she never did.

All the good things:

  • Remember the whole “Washu creating Ryoko” thing that I thought was missing from Tench Universe? Here it is baby. I knew I wasn’t crazy.
  • All of the characters are actually characters. There’s more life to them, they’re more animated, they’re more interesting…..30459 times better than the last series. Tenchi is actually involved in the story! Washu had a kid! There’s back-stories! I’m so happy!
  • Ryoko was awesome. God I’d marry her in a flash.
  • I wish I could float through walls…or even just float.
  • Ryo-Ohki had some crazy transformation shit going on…..she turned into a child somehow. That was kind of cool I guess, even though it doesn’t make much sense…..actually, it was kind of stupid, but whatever.

All the, small things:

  • True care, truth brings
  • I’ll take, one lift
  • Your ride, best trip

OVA Three

In case you can't read the subtitles, she's saying "Those people have become annoying."

This OVA, unlike the other two, was made in 2005, years and years after the first 2 OVAs, and you can clearly tell from the animation quality, and that’s one of the reasons why I separated it, the other being that it was a cluster fuck of fuck. Personally, I don’t…well….you’ll see.

All the bad things:

  • I felt like Ryoko’s ears were drawn a bit too big and a bit too pointy.
  • Shit got way fucking too crazy. All of a sudden sisters and grandparents start popping up out of nowhere, and fiancees and disguises and all sorts of crazy shit. I think they introduced 2 new characters every episode. It got a bit too crazy is all I’m saying.
  • The plot became a confusing cluster fuck of shit. It had something to do with Gods and shit and time and dimensions and I honestly didn’t get 70% of what was going on, nor do I give a shit.

All the good things:

  • There was a BAM moment FIRST EPISODE (although now, I already forgot what it was).
  • The animation was AWESOME. Quality and boom.
  • This:

Yeah, kick her! Take that bitch!

  • And This:

So the bottomline here was that I thought OVAs 1 & 2 were awesome, but the third OVA was a mindfuck of retardation. My favorite OVA was the first one, and over all, I still thought that this was WAYYYYYY better than the original series so


I’m trying to watch Tenchi in Tokyo right now, but I can’t find it in good enough quality anywhere. From the few episodes I’ve seen, it looks really really shitty. If you know where I can stream it subbed in decent quality, let me know.

Top 3 Musical Artists Who Suck But Who Some Assholes Think Are Good

These guys SUCK. I still don’t know how people like them. And before you start spouting bullshit like,

“Well, you don’t have to listen to them!”

Just shut the fuck up. I do have to listen to them, because my car sucks so bad that not only does it not have a cd player, but it also doesn’t have anyway to connect an ipod/cd player/etc up to the sound system. So I’m literally forced to listen to the radio.

“Oh, but you can CHANGE THE CHANNEL!”

NO I FUCKING CAN’T. At most I can turn the radio off, which is no fun at all, but I’m forced to do it all the time. The only station I have is 104.1, which plays a decent amount of good music, but a lot of complete SHIT. I mean, I could change the channel, but everything else is all the same middle school pop shit. I hate that shit. There’s no hip hop on the radio anymore, even rap is all just middle school pop shit. Radio 104.1 is the best I got, but they also suck. Just looks at it’s fucking home page:

In case you don’t get what’s wrong with this home page, I’ll tell you with the use of bullets:

  • Mid Day Marley. Sometimes I’m in the mood for reggae, but usually, it just sucks. It’s too boring. I’m strung way too tight for that shit. I need something with oomph. Something badass. That’s an excuse. In truth, Reggae simply sucks.
  • Hint: Green Day is on this list. Even people who hate MCR and call them gay (Ironically, Mike) have to agree that these assholes are the dumbest fuck-heads on the planet. They make shitty music, and they look like fucking pussies.

Radio 104.1 plays a fair amount of good music. However, in between these good songs…for example, as I write this, they’re playing Oasis, which is awesome. They’re not exactly bad ass, but they’re still pretty fucking good. They have also been known to play some Smashing Pumpkins, Muse, and other good ol’ stuff from the 90’s (which is when all forms of media were in their ideal states). However, in between the good stuff, they play a large amount of SHIT. Mainly, this shit consists of Linkin Park and Green Day (I can actually smell shit as I write this, and I’m being truthful.). 104.1 is obsessed with these two bands, and they both suck. I remember when I didn’t hate Linking Park back when I was a middle schooler, and was pretty much only listing to Linkin Park, Godsmack, Drowning Pool, and those guys. But then I grew up and realized that they SUCKKKKKK. I’d rather watch my dick hair grow then put up with their shit. Anyway, let’s get to the shitty bands.


You look like a stupid Horse-Man.....stop singing guy.

I hate bands like this. They sing in some deep voiced half country gay shit kind of tone that pisses me off. I’ve never liked a single one of their songs, especially since all of them sound exactly the same. I don’t wanna hear someone growl on a track like these assholes. There’s a bunch of people with this same exact sound (or something similar) Creed (suck), Puddle of Mudd (have one good song), etc. They’re pretty much all shitty bands with lead singer that have long hair and think they’re tough shit. They aren’t. Just look at any picture of them. Do it. You know what you’ll find? They squint in every single picture. They aren’t squinting because the sun is too bright though, they’re squinting because they’re trying really really hard to look cool. That’s what tools do. God I hate Nickeback. When Nickleback members die, I’m going to throw a fucking party, and no Nickleback will be played. In fact, we will burn Nickleback albums and pictorals. Actually, why wait? Let’s do this tomorrow.

Instead of listening to Nickleback, I’d rather…..

Shoot myself in the dick with a harpoon

Kings of Leon

Holy shit, I thought I hated them BEFORE I saw what they looked like. What the fuck is that one guy in the middle wearing? Now we know what Jesus would look like if he were an interpretive dancer.

If I wanted to hear a lead singer whine for 30+ minutes then yes, I would buy a Kings of Leon album. The sad thing is, the only part of Kings of Leon that sucks is their lead singer. I generally like their songs, until the singing starts, then everything goes right to shit. I don’t know how anyone could like a band with such a shitty, whiney, pussy singer. These guys aren’t Kings of jack shit. They’re not even Queens. They’re fucking jokes.

But some songs have a different singer! Haven’t you heard King of the Rodeo?

Yea, it sucked. Kings of Leon suck. I hate them. When they break up (into pieces and die), then I’ll throw a God. Damn. Party.

Instead of listening to Kings of Leon, I’d rather…..

Slit my wrists with the chainsaw from Doom 64 (but not die from it).

Green Day

Just look at this picture and tell me you don't want to shoot all of these people based on looks alone. You can't do it.

Green Day used to be good. In the 90’s. When they were all on drugs. Then they got off the drugs and started making fucking political statements. SHOVE IT UP YOUR FUCKING DICK-HOLE! I don’t wanna hear God Damn political statements in my fucking songs! I know you feel strongly about the war, that’s fine, but I don’t wanna hear your shitty music every two seconds on 104.1, which I’m beginning to think you own. In fact, it’s not even the political part that pisses me off, it just the fact that it all sounds like shit. If you made your political songs GOOD, then I might like them. But nope, you just HAVE to make them sound like shit.

Slightly off topic, but do you know who my least favorite rap artist is? Immortal Technique. You know why? There’s a lot of reasons, but mainly he sucks, and only raps about the government and conspiracies and BULLSHIT. He’s an annoying prick and when he dies, I’m throwing a fucking party, but I’m not even going to get into the shit that rap has become (not today at least).

Green Day had one good song in their entire existence, and that song is Brain Stew. Why was it good? Because of drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. They should have kept taking drugs, and here’s why:

  1. Their music wouldn’t suck.
  2. They’d probably be dead, which would give them no time to make shitty music.

God that American Idiot album has to be the worst thing ever made.

Instead of listening to Green Day, I’d rather….

Kick my balls into the upper stratosphere.

Other notables:

That’s pretty much it. Those are my top three. But there’s a lot more, off the top of my head, here are a couple of bands that suck but people still seem to like for some reason:

  1. Dave Matthews Band. I can see this seeing as their concerts are apparently just places to get high and shitfaced. I’d probably actually have a decent time, as long as ignored the music. Or I’d get really pissed off at the shitty music and kill everyone. I don’t plan on finding out either way, but I left them off the list because I was too lazy to continue this post much farther.
  2. Coldplay. I used to hate them. Then I thought I liked them because of the Viva la Hova album that mashed them with Jay-Z. Turns out they still suck.
  3. Jack Johnson. I’m not going to explain this, not because I can’t, but because at this point, I really shouldn’t have to.
  4. Linkin Park. They aren’t that bad I guess….but they’ve gone downhill. Like…I shut the radio off when I hear them.

The Bottomline

So what’s the point? Here’s the point:


Fuck I knew it was about something gay like this….

But it premiered in Philly! On their 104 station! What’s taking our gay station in CT so God Damn Long!? LOOK AT THIS SHIT: