To LOVE-Ru OVA 2: Really?

So Mikan gets pissed at Rito and Lala for messing the house up. Rito goes to apologize and accedentily walks in on her changing, and she gets even more pissed and leaves the house. Now, Rito and Lala are left with two choices:

  1. Do the sensible, most obvious thing, and simply wait till she comes home to apologize to her.
  2. Chase her and search for her frantically as if her life was in danger, in order to apologize to her.

Now, what do you think Rito and Lala decided to do?

Why so serious? It's not like Mikan's life is in danger.

Why so serious? It's not like Mikan's life is in danger.

Of course they chase after her, because neither Rito nor Lala have a shred of common sense in them whatsoever. Another stupid plot for To LOVE-Ru. It’s a good thing that I have accepted the fact that stupid plots and To LOVE-Ru walk together hand in hand, otherwise I’d hate this show. So they go off chasing Mikan, and run into several obstacles that all end with Rito getting his ass kicked for “being perverted”. Come on ladies, it’s obvious that he’s not trying to grab your tits. Give the guy a break! Stop being bitches!

Anyway, this was an okay episode, but kind of generic To LOVE-Ru fan-service stupidness. I mean. I liked the first season a good amount (I felt that it got funnier with each episode), but if they make a second season, which I’m assuming they will, then I’m not sure I can put up with this kind stupidness. I probably can.

Anyway, I will part with this screen shot, of an awesom Kill Bill referrence from the episode:

She's the crazy 16 year old who's name escapes me, despite the fact that I've seen Kill Bill around 10 times.

"It looks like I'm the one penetrating you!"

This post was a lot better than my last one, although the last one was so bad and dumb that it wasn’t hard to do.

First Impressions Are Pointless


For me they are at least. My first impression of almost every anime is:

Holy shit this anime is going to kick ass!!!

Half the time, I’m right. Half the time, I’m wrong. And the other half, the anime is somewhere in between good and bad. That’s three halves people. I’m not fucking around here.

One episode is never enough to be able to tell where an anime is going, and considering that I think every show is good by the first episode, they really are pointless.

I just wanted to say that. This post is pretty much as pointless as a first impressions post.


Since I certainly don’t want to die, let me attempt to elaborate, using an example:

Let’s take a show like Asura Cryin’.

My first impressions of this show concluded that it would be the best show of the year, that it had great animation, and looked to be all together a favorite of my specific tastes. In other words, my first impressions were the same for this show as they were for pretty much every other show.

As I watch the series, I have learned that the animation absolutely sucks, the plot is still unclear to me (something to do with ghosts and magic machines), and the show as a whole is not really that good. So what did first impressions provide me with? Absolutely nothing.

I may drop Asura Cryin’. I’ll give it 2 more episodes to wow me. Also, what ever happened to Sengoku Basara? They don’t sub that anymore? I’ve lost a lot of interest in that too.

This post was the worst I have written. I should just delete it.